This is a walk of about 24K return. There are many side gorges to visit on the way. We explored them all on this walk except the Amphitheatre.
Trish, Bryan, Steve and Denise – crossing Carnarvon Creed the first of many, many times.
Carnarvon Creek – varying depths. Deep enough to swim in, in some places.
Some crossings were drier than others.
Photo opportunity.
Lookin’ good.
At Big Bend, 11K down, just the return to do now.. Amazing growth on tree to stop that rock.
And from the other side of the tree. At Big Bend
On the way back.
Boowinda Gorge.
Steve at Boowinda Gorge.
Ancient rock paintings at Cathedral Cave.
More Aboriginal art. Cathedral Cave.
The Art Gellery. Wonderful facilities, with explanatorty signs, for better understanding of the Aboriginal Art.
The pure white of the sandstone cliffs was breathtaking.
Even more interesting when layers of yellow ochre were present.
Just takin’ a break.
Such stunning scenery.
A wide-angle shot of a tiny section. of the gorge walls.
More pics of the gorge walls.
And another break.
It’s not all dry.
The walking was very pleasant.
My favourite! See those ferns – they are rare King Ferns, their fronds held up by water pressure, like a fireman’s hose.
The entrance to Wards Conyon.
Wards Canyon
Wards Canyon.
Creek crossing number …. a lot!
Trish and Bryan taking the lead.
Trish – divine light settled over her on the creek crossings.
Guess where?
So cool, and very pretty.
The water that allows the moss to grow could take many, many years to come down from the ground level well above the cliff face.
Three very happy walkers .. to be sitting down!
The last creek crossing.
And see our welcoming committee.